Sallekha Sutta
Author By - Mahasi Sayadaw Gyi
Sallekha Sutta
Published Date - 2016
Buddha Date - 2560
Myanmar Date - 1378
AD Date - 2016
Author By - Mahasi Sayadaw Gyi

551 စာမျက်နှာ
The Venerable Mahathera Mahasi Sayadaw expounded the
Sallekha Sutta for the first time in 1959. This sutta is included
in Majjima Nikaya Mulapannasa in Pali Scripture. The Dhamma Discourse
while delivered for the first time, it was impossible to make it in the book
form for publication.
This Sallekha sutta delivered on 14.4.1970 at Fan Yin
Dhamma Hall for the second time was transformed into draft form in
writing from cassette tape. The first 6 parts included in Volume I and second 6
parts in Volume II. Those were printed in Myanmar Language and published in
1971 for the first time. Now, it was published in the 6th edition in 2015.
For translation work of Dhamma treaties delivered by
Venerable Mahathera Mahasi Sayadaw into English, Buddha Sasana
Nuggaha Organization invited the talented translators and held a meeting in
November 1978. The then president of Buddha Sasana Nuggaha Organization
U Pwint Kaung told that the Dhamma translation ought to be made only
after consulting with Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw.
In this connection, Ven. Mahasi Sayadaw unfolded them that his Dhamma discourse in Myanmar prose style was so simple that the translator would be easy to do his work to comply with the author’s view. (It is extracted from the book by the name of Mahasi Missionary Service of U Pwint Kaung.) The most Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw started his Dhamma discourse as below: -
In all formations of beings, the practice to decrease the
defilements within them is the practice of Sallekha. This Sutta is
beneficial to those meditators during the course of training in meditation. The
same is useful for those who are not under training of meditation practice.
For the purpose of increasing merits and decreasing evils,
this sutta is the effective one. Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw
recommended that all meditators and friends in the Dhamma ought to read
this sutta.
As instructed by Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw, Sayagyi
U Aye Maung translated the Dhamma Discourse into English. Thereafter, Buddha
Sasana Nuggaha Organization printed it in English Language and was
published 1000 copies on 30.3.81. For the second edition it was published 1000
copies in December 1994.
The first English translation of Sallekha Sutta was
published 35 years ago. The book is now out of print. Such being the case, Buddha
Sasana Nuggaha Organization has published the book for the Third time.
May all the virtuous, the friends in the Dhamma be
able to practice by themselves after reading this sutta.
May you all be happy by practice of mindfulness meditation.
Dr. Tint Soe Lin
Buddha Sasana Nuggaha Organization
April, 2016
Sallekha Sutta
This copy is Third Edition published in April 2016 in which the grammar, punctuations and spellings of English words were corrected during August 2019 for the next Edition.
(1) English words corrected by “Microsoft Words” in computer by Ma Soe Soe
on 18.8.2019 and checked by U Khin Maung Oo on ..2019 ,13.7.2019 and 14.7.2019.
(2) Pali words re-checked by -------------------------.
Note; the words in red are not to be uploaded in the website.