Purabheda Sutta Dhamma
Author By - Mahasi Sayadaw Gyi
Purabheda Sutta Dhamma
Published Date - 2015
Buddha Date - 2559
Myanmar Date - 1377
AD Date - 2015
Author By - Mahasi Sayadaw Gyi

334 စာမျက်နှာ
Lord Buddha had delivered six Suttas at the
auspicious gathering known as Mahasamaya in the Mahavanna forest
of Kapilavastu district, to various Devas and Brahmas coming
from ten thousand worlds, Purabheda Sutta was one of these suttas,
specially meant for the wise ones.
The Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw talked about this Sutta
for three consecutive Sabbath days beginning on New Moon day of Waso 1322
(ME) (22nd July 1960). These talks were tape recorded, transcribed and first
seriallised in Dhamma Byuha Journal No.9 Volume 4.
Then with the permission of Mahasi Sayadaw. This Sutta
Dhamma was put into book form and the first edition was published in
Wakhaung, 1329 (ME), or August/ September 1967 with an introduction by Ven. Zawtipala,
Patron Monk of Kyakhatwine Monastery, Pegu. Since then this book had been
published for 6 times until October 2005.
For the benefit of foreign yogis, the Myanmar text
was translated by U Min Swe (Min Kyaw Thu), Secretary of the Buddha Sasana
Nuggaha Organization and the first Edition was published in July 1983.
Although the original introduction of Ven. Zawtipala had
not been translated by U Min Swe, he had put in an excellent Foreword to the
first English Edition. Since this Foreword was included in this Second Edition,
we need not add anything about this Sutta but conclude with our prayer for
the readers of this book to strive diligently in their practice of Vipassana
Meditation and achieve the find goal of Nibbana, which the Mahasi
Sayadaw said, to be attainable in this very life.
Dr. Tint Soe Lin
Buddha Sasana Nuggaha Organization
Mahasi Sasana Yeiktha.
December, 2015.
Purapheda Sutta Dhamma (or)
The Dhamma One Should Accomplish Before Death
This copy is Second Edition published in December 2015 in which the grammar, punctuations and spellings of English words were corrected during August 2019 for the next Edition.
(1) English words corrected by “Microsoft Words” in computer by Ma Soe Soe
on 17.8.2019 and checked by U Khin Maung Oo on 17.8.2019 .
(2) Pali words re-checked by -------------------------.
Note; the words in red are not to be uploaded in the website.