The Wheel Of Dhamma (Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta)
Author By - Mahasi Sayadaw Gyi
The Wheel Of Dhamma (Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta)
Published Date - 2015
Buddha Date - 2559
Myanmar Date - 1377
AD Date - 2015
Author By - Mahasi Sayadaw Gyi

517 စာမျက်နှာ
Lord Buddha delivered the “Dhammacakkappavattana
Sutta”, to a group of five Bhikkhus at the deer park of Sarnath,
about 7 miles from Banaras, India on the Full Moon day of Waso in 623 B.C, soon
after his Enlightenment on Full Moon day of Kason. This sermon is the first and
most ancient one of Lord Buddha, and after it was delivered, the five Bhikkhus
became Ariya Sotapanna on different days.
This Sutta is one of the most famous of all discourses made by Lord Buddha. When Mahasi Sayadawgyi, at the invitation of the Buddha Sasana Nuggaha Organization came to Yangon to teach Vipassana Meditation, the Meditation Centre was formally opened with a discourse of this sutta on 4th December 1949 when the first batch of 25 yogis were inducted to Vipassana Meditation. Whenever a New Meditation Centre was opened, this Sutta had been delivered as an inaugural discourse.
Mahasi Sayadawgyi
had also delivered this discourse, in brief, on 11th July 1957 (Full Moon day
of Waso) followed by another discourse on Anattalakkhana Sutta delivered
during the Lent of 1957 and they were broadcasted by Myanmar Broadcasting
These two discourses together with Maha Satipatthana Sutta broadcasted on 5th May 1951, were first published in 1957 by the Buddha Sasana Nuggaha Organization followed by several editions. Mahasi Sayadawgyi delivered this Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta in detail, for 8 Sabbath days beginning from 28th . September 1962 and ending on 8th . April 1963. These discourses were tape-recorded, transcribed and finally edited by Sayadawgyi himself.
Then they were put into a book form and published in October 1975 with an introduction by Ven: Thuzata, a meditation teacher of Sasana Yeiktha, Yangon. There were seven Myanmar Editions up to now. For foreign Yogis, this Myanmar Edition was translated into English by Sayagyi U. Ko Lay and was published in December 1981 by the Buddha Sasana Nuggaha Organization followed by a Second Edition in July 1995.
Since these English Editions were out of stock now, we
are pleased to bring about another Edition with a photo of Sayadawgyi and a
brief stretch of his biography. We also take this opportunity to correct some
of the printing errors and omissions of the previous Editions.
Unfortunately, the excellent Myanmar introduction by Ven.
Thuzata was not translated in the previous English Editions. We hope to
translate this introduction and include it in future English Editions. We
conclude our remarks with our prayers for all readers to follow and practise
Noble Eightfold Path and Four Noble Truths which form the basis of Dhammacakkappavattana
Sutta, fully expounded by Mahasi Sayadawgyi in most illuminating
Dr.Tint Soe Lin
Buddha Sasana Nuggaha
October, 2015
The Wheel Of Dhamma
(Dhammacakappavattana Sutta)
This copy is Third Edition published in October 2015 in which the grammar, punctuations and spellings of English words were corrected during March 2019 for the next Edition.
(1) English words corrected by “Microsoft Words” in computer by Ma Soe Soe
on 17.4.2019 and checked by U Khin Maung Oo on 1.5, 4.5 and 9.5.2019.
(2) Pali words re-checked by ----------------------.
Note; the words in red are not to be uploaded in the website.