Practical Insight Meditation (BASIC PRACTICE)
Author By - Mahasi Sayadaw Gyi
Practical Insight Meditation (BASIC PRACTICE)
Published Date - 2015
Buddha Date - 2559
Myanmar Date - 1377
AD Date - 2015
Author By - Mahasi Sayadaw Gyi

54 စာမျက်နှာ
The Venerable Mahasi Sayadawgyi had written his great work of treatise on Vipassana meditation in two volumes in 1945. The first publication was in 1954, followed by thirteen editions upto now. Volume I of this treatise had been translated into English by U Min Swe and published in December 1980.
Unfortunately, the whole of Volume II in English had not
yet been published upto now in book form, though translation had been completed.
The first 14 pages of Volume II in Chapter_V was translated into English in 1954
by U Pe Thin who had translated several discourses of Sayadawgyi in English.
It was brought to our notice that U Pe Thin’s translation had been printed (year of printing not known) and donated by one Mrs.Sarojini Fernando. That book was donated by Dr. Win Naing Kyaw, a Mahasi yogi on 30.1.2015 to the Buddha Sasana Nuggaha Organization. According to the Preface by Mahasi Sayadawgyi himself put in that book, pages 15 to 51 of the above-mentioned Volume II had been translated by Myan Aung U Tin, edited somewhat by the Venerable Nyanaponika Mahathera,page1 to 14, revised and improved by one Miss Mary Mc Collum, etc. Both translated pages 1 to 14 and 15 to 51 were combined together and published under the title ‘‘Practical Insight Meditation’’ by the Buddha Sasana Nuggaha Organization in 1979.
Since the first 14 pages of Volume II had not been published by the Buddha Sasana Nuggaha Organization according to our knowledge and record, we are pleased to publish it as the second edition together with a photo of Mahasi Sayadawgyi and his short biography correcting some printing errors and omissions. We hope it will be useful for the foreign yogis who wish to study the meditation method of Mahasi Sayadawgyi in a very concise form.
Dr.Tint Soe Lin
Buddha Sasana Nuggaha
August -2015
The Practical Insight Meditation (Basic and Practice)
This copy is Second Edition published in August 2015 in which the grammar, punctuations and spellings of English words were corrected during January 2019 for the next Edition.
(1) English words corrected by “ Microsoft Words” in computer by Ma Soe Soe
on .2019 and checked by U Khin Maung Oo on .2019 .
(2) Pali words re-checked by ----------------------.
Note; the words in red are not to be uploaded in the website.