Fundamentals Of Vipassana Meditation
Author By - Mahasi Sayadaw Gyi
Fundamentals Of Vipassana Meditation
Published Date - 2015
Buddha Date - 2559
Myanmar Date - 1377
AD Date - 2015
Author By - Mahasi Sayadaw Gyi

158 စာမျက်နှာ
The Venerable Mahasi Sayadawgyi had delivered a series of lectures on “Fundamentals of Vipassana Methods” at the Fan Yin Hall of Mahasi Yeiktha during water festivals of 1959(April). These lectures had been tape recorded, transcribed into book form and published in 1961 together with a number of Dhamma Aphorisms. Up to now twenty editions have been printed and published. The English rendering of the Myanmar text was made by the translator in the name of Maung Tha Noe and the First Editions was published in 1980, followed by the Second and Third Editions in 1992 and 1996 respectively.
Since all these English Editions are now out of print, we
are pleased to publish another Edition which also includes a short biography of
Mahasi Sayadawgyi as well as his last photograph taken one day before
his passing away on 14th August 1982. We have also corrected some
printing errors and omissions of the previous editions.
As the title of the text indicates: Mahasi Sayadawgyi
explained the fundamentals of Vipassana meditation in a very clear and
lucid manner. Those who are not acquainted with Vipassana meditation
will find it very valuable to properly understand the fundamentals
theoretically. If they wish to put into practice what they learn, this book
will take them step by step as to how insight meditation is to be practised and
if they follow these steps diligently they will gain various insights gradually
culminating in relinquishing various mental defilements and realising Nibbana.
Dr.Tint Soe Lin
Buddha Sasana Nuggaha
Fundamentals Of Vipassana Meditation
This copy is Fourth Edition published in August 2015 in which the grammar, punctuations
and spellings of English/ English Pali words were corrected during September 2018
for the next Edition.
(1) English words corrected by “ Microsoft Words” in computer by Ma Soe Soe
on 7.9.2018 and checked by U Khin Maung Oo on 8.9.2018 and - -8.2018.
(2) Pali words re-checked by U Maung Maung Ko-- on 27.4.2019
Note; the words in red are not to be uploaded in the website.